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Re: famous dancers
Posted by rkonert
1/30/2006  12:16:00 PM
Since we're talking about famous dancers does anybody know anything about Linda Dean?
Re: famous dancers
Posted by Stuart Nichols
9/23/2016  8:00:00 PM
Re: famous dancers
Posted by rkonert
1/30/2006 12:16:00 PM

Since we're talking about famous dancers does anybody know anything about Linda Dean?
Well this question is over ten years old and nobody's answered it yet, so I will.

Linda Dean has been a very popular coach specializing in Theater Arts/Cabaret, and a ubiquitous judge on the NDCA circuit for over thirty years. She achieved fame and her national titles as partner to George Hendricks in 1971, when they were the American Style Champions, and then to Vernon Brock, with whom she was the United States National Professional Latin American Champion from 1975-78. (source:NDCA.org)

She also partnered World Exhibition Champion and United States Latin American Champion Rufus Dustin, though I don't know if they held any titles together.

Linda suffered from knee problems following her years as champion, a consequence, she said, of the athleticism and strenuous limits to which Vernon's choreography pushed her. Even so, she continued coaching and judging nonstop, a testament to her determination and work ethic.

She has a Facebook page, though it hasn't been posted to in almost a year: https://www.facebook.com/linda.dean4/ I realize as I write this that I haven't seen her recently, so I hope she's well.
Re: famous dancers
Posted by terence2
9/26/2016  5:06:00 AM

Don't know how I missed this question !..

Linda and Vernon did a lecture and Dem. at a mini w/end comp I ran in Clearwater in 1974. She was living in Tampa at that time .

As to dance legends, a title that few may claim, must include Scrivener, Jacques,and Tolmeyer.

In the U.S, Jenkins and Silvers. Joe being the 1st to make the final in the British, into 3rd place in the 70s ( Joe and Larry with partners, were my protoge's in DC in the early 70s ).
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