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Re: Accessories for short haircut
Posted by Ron
6/26/2006  5:02:00 PM
My partner had very short hair and we danced standard. She would always take a couple of puffs of feathers (when they were in style) or a small silk flower that complimented her dress, added some rhinestones and then made a loop out of duck tape, yes duck tape, and basically nailed the hair ornament right above one of her ears by taping it directly to her hair and becuse her hair was short, you know she was really taping it to her scalp. She always look great. Not over done, it was always a nice little touch and she always got those quizzed looks from people wondering how it was staying in her short hair. She kept the ornament small becuse anything else would have overpowered the short hair. And the hair ornament never moved. She would only use maybe a 1/4 to 1/2 inch wide strip of tape. Now getting said ornament out of her hair at the end of the session was an altogher different story and I could tell by the way she winced that pulling duck tape out of her hair hurt. But her feelings were always what other options do I have with short hair. She wanted to be sure that hair ornament felt secure. I hope you get more feedback I am sure a lot of different things have been tried.
Re: Accessories for short haircut
Posted by Ellen
6/26/2006  6:40:00 PM
I've used false eyelash glue to attach stones directly to my hair. I also use it to secure clip earrings on my ears.
Re: Accessories for short haircut
Posted by elliekiernan
7/6/2014  11:59:00 PM
I used to wear those earrings australia whenever I used to dance as they were small stud earrings and were perfect for my short hairstyle.
Re: Accessories for short haircut
Posted by ballroomchick
7/8/2014  3:05:00 PM
What about doing something like this?


You could even use a necklace and pin it to your head.
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