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Re: how much do competitions cost?
Posted by Anonymous
2/12/2007  11:20:00 PM

LOL...The 2 regionals we have planned so far is the Southeast and North Central!

The up side is that our flight to Chicago will be under 200 each, which is probably a first for us.
Re: how much do competitions cost?
Posted by Anonymous
2/13/2007  8:57:00 AM
"LOL...The 2 regionals we have planned so far is the Southeast and North Central!"

The downside is not so much the entry fees, but the much much smaller events. You would have much more competition at southwest or northeast.
Re: how much do competitions cost?
Posted by anny
2/13/2007  9:07:00 AM
Ren=member, when comparing these to proam comps, that the fee per person covers ALL entries for all events. Proam comps usually charge per heat, in addition to the myriad fees that surround the 'rpo'...
Re: how much do competitions cost?
Posted by Anonymous
2/13/2007  3:59:00 PM
Right, NDCA comps are charged by the heat. Even for an AM they are much more expensive than USDance. We just registered for a local NDCA, total cost $400.00.(entry and entrance fees) For a Pro-AM, the cost, considering other fees would be much more.
Re: how much do competitions cost?
Posted by Mark
5/13/2017  4:14:00 AM
From all discussions it looks like the only cost gor compwtition are entry fees per dance which vary betwen 50-100.
I was told by my studio that on the top of this the cost of upcomong competition is 2950 per day to participate. I guess that there is a hidden cost to cover expenses of my instructor but even with 150/hour it should be max 1200 counting 8 hours. Any idea what " daily fees mught be ?
Re: how much do competitions cost?
Posted by Guest
5/14/2017  5:25:00 PM
The Hotel I stayed at at Blackool in the U.K.. The Managers wife worked as a receptionist at a Heath Spa where many of the dancers went to to use the Tanning Rooms. She said to me
" You Ballroom Dancers seem to be fairly wealthy people with the amount of diamond rings
and Gold Rolex wrist watches I keep seeing as well as expensive handbags and clothing shoes ect".
Re: how much do competitions cost?
Posted by ladydance
5/15/2017  6:42:00 AM
That is an obscene amount of money and I would not pay it without a breakdown of expenses. What you are paying for is the instructor's loss of income for that day, her room and meals, her fee for dancing with you, her hair appointment and incidentals. Except for the fees, all other costs should be divided up between the students she is dancing with. The studio must take a cut, which is just wrong in my opinion. Don't blindly pay, ask questions.
Re: how much do competitions cost?
Posted by Swing2016
5/16/2017  2:57:00 PM
$60 an entry for FADS competitions! That's quite high. I'm with FADS in Canada and, unless they increased the price, our entries are 45$ each. I'll have to double check.
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