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Re: Government Sponsered
Posted by belleofyourball
4/13/2009  12:33:00 AM
I'm curious...

in people's personal experience..how long does it take to master any particular skill or step.

Okay I know I'm asking something huge with so many posibilities...but I don't know how to make it more specific.

I get so frustrated with myself because it can take so long for me to learn good technique and than apply said technique to just one step. Is anyone willing to share their experience?
Re: Government Sponsered
Posted by Telemark
4/13/2009  12:52:00 AM
It can take ages to get something right.

I've been following the recent discussion about the different rise & fall pattern in a Foxtrot Feather Step, compared with s Three Step, and I well remember just how difficult it was to remember (let alone dance) the correct footwork, rise & fall, and getting in the CBM and sway, as well.

I have a current beginners class who have just started Foxtrot, and they are having all the same problems. "Why does this dance LOOK so easy?" asked one student. "Does Tiger Woods make driving a golf ball perfectly straight for 325 yards LOOK hard?", I replied. He goes on to say that he has been watching a DVD, and can't get over how easy it looked. "Whose?", I ask. "Oh, someone called Mirko Gozzoli ...".

But here we are, on a wet Wednesday, in a beat-up Community Hall, and half the room can't tell left from right. Such are the joys of teaching.

I have reached an age when I don't learn new things as easily as I once did; and I can be amazed when I try something new (and it's often a Sequence Dance that I will otherwise have to sit out), that I can't remember the actual sequence of figures - which is a bit of a problem, really.

The difficulties of beginners, and those of more experience are different problems - but both are very real.

Re: Government Sponsered
Posted by Iluv2Dance
4/22/2009  1:23:00 AM
Hi Cyd,
You wrote:
I will be eternally grateful for learning something in the Double Reverse Spin which i was unaware of after doing the darn thing for many years.
Can't sleep! What was IT!!!
Re: Government Sponsered
Posted by Cyd
4/22/2009  3:12:00 PM
luv2Dance. In Tia Chi before moving to the Left there is a slight move of the shoulders to the right. This also happens in the Double Reverse Turn. It creates a wind up. When it follows a Slip Pivot it is already there. But if we do another Double Reverse the wind up and aceleration on the right side needs to be put in place and was aptly demonstrated several times.
Another very interesting thing was, demonstrated and explained, was the Swing in the Waltz.
Solo we were asked to join our two hands together and swing from low to high. The feeling has to be like... Following ...the crest of a wave. It was also said that Swing creates an out of balance movement. But Sway regains balance.
Also don't do a Fallaway Slip Pivot in the Tango with Foxtrot timing and action which was also demonstrated
From A H there was one hour packed with information.
All of the six hours of lectures was free, paid for by the Queensland Government with Sponsors which included Jupiters Casino where it was held.
Re: Government Sponsered
Posted by Iluv2Dance
4/24/2009  5:05:00 AM
Thanks Cyd,
At last. Yawn, head down, ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Re: Government Sponsered
Posted by Cyd
4/24/2009  3:26:00 PM
lluv2 Dance. ZZZZ. I will always answer post haste. But if i can't get through there is nothing i can do about it.
Re: Government Sponsered
Posted by Iluv2Dance
4/24/2009  10:38:00 PM
Morning Cyd,
Sorry about that. It was my silly attempt to be a comedian. I was trying to imply that now I know what was said, I could now go to sleep, having previous joked 'I can't sleep'. Not that it took you a long time to write an answer.

Terence mentioned Charles Thieabault in one of his informative messages. I know that Anthony was one of his pupils.

I always remember Charles, saying - which Anthony has used in the past - is, 'If it's not natural, then it's wrong.'

I remember joking at the time by saying, 'Is it natural to walk backwards?'

The best one I read from Charles was, the answer he gave at an interview having just turned professional. He had previously worked in a gent's outfitters and was asked, 'What was the main difference he had found to working in the shop, to now teaching full-time?. Charles answered by saying, 'I now find that in teaching the customer is always wrong!'

Thanks again, Cyd. If there is any more tips you can remember, please let us know. Kind regards.

Re: Government Sponsered
Posted by Cyd
4/25/2009  1:17:00 PM
lluv2dance. A very good morning to you.
I have a page full of notes i made at the lecture. One thing that was mentioned was. The feet are the artists brush. Not in the technique book, not in mine at least, is the shaping of the feet front and back when turning. This is in Modern. He doesn't agree calling Modern Standard .And also using the words Rise an Fall. It should be Rise and Lower. A few words were said about the music. Music comes first. Figures must fit the music. Only attempt figures within suitability of the music. One i found interesting was the Natural Spin Turn. Put the lady onto step five. It was demonstrated the right and the wrong way and what happens to the following steps if it is not done correctly with the lady not being placed into position. Also do not move down the floor on Slip Pivots etc. again demonstrated.
From the above it can be seen that a competent adjudicator can quickly see these faults and are not taken in by flashy varitations and can at a glance estimate the value of the dancers on the floor. Best Wishes
Re: Government Sponsered
Posted by Iluv2Dance
4/25/2009  10:56:00 PM
Thank you so much, Cyd, for sharing your notes. I believe, Anthony, now lives in Australia, having had a house built on the Gold Coast.
Re: Government Sponsered
Posted by terence2
4/22/2009  9:19:00 AM
The answer is always.. how long is a piece of string ?... there is no definitive answer.

I remember a friend of mine in the late 40s early 50s making a re appearnace at a London venue i frequented ,after 1 yrs absence.... my first question " where have you been hiding ? ".. I will never forget his reply.. he said " Ive been working on my feather and 3 with Charles ( Thieabault )...

I believe when students ask this question, its a relative one.. as good as ?.. fill in the blank .
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