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Re: DVD dance instruction--recommendations?
Posted by kaiara
5/3/2009  9:16:00 AM
I picked up the "Anyone Can Dance" videos and love them, then I decided on American Smooth, and purchased the bronze DVDs and the books (DVIDA) for the charts, and then I talked hubby into a private lesson and got him to agree to doing more.

I also liked How prettily Kasia Kosak moves her hands, and I picked up a DVD that is just her...don't recall what it is called but it was something "body awareness" and I really love how it helps me to feel what my body is doing when I move! I think it will help my dancing!

Now I am pregnant and my bad knee cannot handle the pregnancy and dancing so I'm stuck on hold until I finally give birth. 9 months feels like forever!

So I am on here reading the conversations like some dance starved fool. LOL!

But we know this is a little girl and I can hardly wait to teach her to dance!
Re: DVD dance instruction--recommendations?
Posted by MamboManic
5/30/2011  2:00:00 PM

I'm glad the dancing worked out so well for you and your hubby. Did you go back to dancing after the baby? Usually, it takes around twenty years for couples to get back to dancing after a baby. If you are dancing, please come back here and post a video.
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