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Re: Difference of height between partner
Posted by dancer
5/30/2010  10:19:00 AM
Nice dancing. I think the two of you would have a great time dancing Smooth and do some open work.Looks like your female partner has some previous training so she may have bells and whistles that she will really enjoy using.The height issue will work itself out easier.
Re: Difference of height between partner
Posted by dheun
6/12/2010  5:12:00 PM
Have you entered a competition yet? And how is it going since your original post. I felt the height difference would not be a major factor, but you never know what judges might be looking at, etc. Give us an update if you can.
Re: Difference of height between partner
Posted by Patrick-Yv
6/16/2010  3:14:00 AM
dheun :
Yes we did. But only for Latin dances.

It was our first experience. We were not perfect and our classment was very bad.

In ballroom dancing we didn't and I'm afraid to not be able to do this one day. Since my first message I had to stop dancing because of my wife. The lady on the video is not my wife she is only my dance partner.
It is very difficult to my wife to see me dancing with an other woman and she suffer from this situation and I think there is no solution to make her to change her point of view.
It's very hard for me...!!!
Re: Difference of height between partner
Posted by dheun
6/16/2010  7:01:00 AM
Patrick, I have similar situation to yours. Only my wife is the taller one. Also, I am far more interested than she is in improving and continuing to dance at the studio or in studio shows, which we have done several times. I'm not interested in competing too much, as I did that when I was 30 years younger, but not for very long. Because my wife is not as interested, I often find myself dancing with other ladies at social events or even the lessons. My wife doesn't seem to mind. She has, in fact, encouraged me to dance with ladies at events who don't have partners and maybe traveled a long way to attend the event. All of that being said, I would prefer that my wife was a dance partner who had the same enjoyment and desire to improve, but it's just not a priority for her, at least partly because she is an aerobics instructor and her feet and knees take enough pounding. As long as she doesn't mind me dancing with other women (or if I had a different partner for a show or program), then I guess it's OK.
Not to get nosy, but does your wife have no interest in dancing at all? Or doesn't have the time to practice, etc.? (That is part of our problem ... my wife and I are on different schedules much of the week). The best way to describe it for me, is that it's always been one of many sports I enjoy, and it is also a main hobby.
Re: Difference of height between partner
6/14/2010  12:24:00 PM
Yeah, don't sweat the height difference. I have an amateur couple that has an even greater height difference than the two of you, and while it does create some challenges, they have been very successful and are now competing at the Open level and winning or placing in the top three of their events.
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