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Re: Not in Atlanta
Posted by Telemark
9/14/2010  11:46:00 AM
The 'Practica' was an entirely male environment, though. A beginner would dance as follower, with more experienced leaders, for anything up to a year before being considered ready to try leading, and then would lead for anything up to another couple of years before anyone thought them ready to go to the Milonga and dance with a woman.

Of course, there were no teachers of tango, but perhaps that was just as well, given the laughable versions of the dance trotted out by most dance schools.

Anyway, must go, off to take a tango class - really.
Re: Not in Atlanta
Posted by ME
9/14/2010  1:55:00 PM
A male dancing as a lady will never look as good as a lady, and thats any style of dancing. Lets take the Rumba with its beautiful leg lines in which the correct Latin shoes play an important part. Can we imagine a male wearing a ladies Latin shoe. And in the Standard Style. Can we imagine a male wearing a Court shoe and going into a Throwaway Oversway. It will never look as good. Lets remember that dancing is creating shapes in space and moving to beautiful music. Lets not make a mockery of it.
Re: Not in Atlanta
Posted by Telemark
9/15/2010  1:30:00 PM
Can we imagine a male wearing a ladies Latin shoe.

You obviously haven't seen the film 'Kinky Boots' in which Chiwetel Ejiofor was just great.

Lets not make a mockery of it.

Not the idea at all. I don't really know enough about the genre (!) but suspect that most men wanting to dance with men don't particularly want their men to look or dance like women. I dare say there are some (no idea how many) transvestites who might want to dance, and of course, there is no problem with women dancing with women (unless you want to mock them for doing it).
Re: Not in Atlanta
Posted by terence2
9/15/2010  12:18:00 AM
On 2nd thoughts, it might have been in my UKA monthly mag.. it had a full 2 page spread...
Re: Not in Atlanta
Posted by Telemark
9/15/2010  12:45:00 AM
UKA, then.

One thing I did read in the IDTA's magazine with interest was the breakdown of the Association's income (as presented by the CEO in his address to the AGM). Many will assume that the activites (and income) are dominated by Ballroom & Latin: far from it. Freestyle, Ballet & Tap come 12&3, accounting for 49.5% of all income. Ballroom only accounts for 4.43% of income (and Classical Sequence just 0.6%). The Latin figure wasn't given this year, but last year's comparatives were Latin 15.89% & Ballroom 9.73%). So for Ballroom income to have halved (as a proportion of income) in just 12 months is a dramatic change, but one that wasn't actually commented on in the speech.

A secondary thought is that perhaps it is time that 'Classical Sequence' was no longer a 'core subject', with its own Associate, Licentiate & Fellowship qualifications, admitting newcomers to 'Full Member' status. Perhaps a single 'Diploma' (like Salsa & Argentive Tango) would be more appropriate? But this is off topic.
Re: Not in Atlanta
Posted by terence2
9/15/2010  1:42:00 AM
I believe the BR lost its financial dominance in the late 50s early 60s.

Also duly noted, IDTA mag. is quite deficient on BR in comparison to past editions ( UKA has more diversity and very good articles by comparision )..
Re: Not in Atlanta
Posted by silver
9/15/2010  6:48:00 AM

Working in law enforcement, with the more interesting offenders in society, I can tell you that there are men out there who look WAY better in women's high heel shoes than the majority of real ladies! Some of them are pretty hot looking. But, when the time comes when you realize that a certain person isn't a lady, you experience various reactions. It can be shocking and disappointing at the same time. :)
Re: Not in Atlanta
Posted by belleofyourball
9/16/2010  12:21:00 AM
I can't disagree but they have to get those shoes at specialty shops. I've never seen ballroom shoes that would fit any of the men I know and I can't imagine a RayRose is a size 14.
Re: Not in Atlanta
Posted by interested
9/16/2010  5:06:00 AM
A secondary thought is that perhaps it is time that 'Classical Sequence' was no longer a 'core subject', with its own Associate, Licentiate & Fellowship qualifications, admitting newcomers to 'Full Member' status. Perhaps a single 'Diploma' (like Sal

Can I ask you to expand on your thinking behind this ?

Re: Not in Atlanta
Posted by Telemark
9/16/2010  5:46:00 AM
Taken directly from the IDTA website:

Individuals, who gain a professional dance teaching qualification with the IDTA and are accepted into membership of the Association, may enter their pupils for IDTA examinations at amateur, performer and professional levels in the appropriate branches.

Professional teaching examinations are available in eight core subjects - four of which are termed Ballroom Branch subjects and these are: Ballroom, Latin, Classical Sequence and Freestyle.

A qualification in any of the 'core' branches confers full membership, and the right to enter pupils in ANY style.

With Classical Sequence representing very nearly zero % of the Association's income stream, it seems to have disproportionate representation as a 'core' subject. There is only one Salsa or Argentine Tango Diploma qualification, but Associate, Licentiate & Fellowship levels for a commercially moribund style. this just seems a bit over the top, but the issue is really of no interest to anyone outside the teaching profession.

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