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Re: Same Sex Dancing
Posted by Telemark
9/17/2010  12:04:00 PM
Yes, I agree, that if anyone wants to continue the sequence discussion, we should take it to another thread.

I'm more interested in the same sex dancing, anyway, but may I offer a correction: with the IDTA, there is no bar to men dancing as ladies for amateur awards (they're called 'double awards').
Re: Same Sex Dancing
Posted by TangoFandango
10/22/2010  1:53:00 AM
I just picked up on the BBC news site this article about DWTS in Israel.


It is quite interresting that the girls will swap roles each session - a bold move by the amateur performer.
Re: Same Sex Dancing
Posted by anymouse
10/22/2010  9:05:00 AM
I have seen ordinary (predominately mixed couples) amateur medalist comps won by f/f couples where that was permitted. Dancing is mostly about building general movement and partnering skills, and someone who gets to fully experience both sides of the task will often be at an advantage in rapidly gaining a full understanding of either role.

Some male dancers are astoundingly good at substituting or demonstrating the lady's part - not to say that there are not gender-linked components to the job, but playing either part is more about trained elements such as deep expertise, judgment, flexibility, and strength than it is about the secondary effects of sex hormones.
Re: Not in Atlanta
Posted by Janet
10/10/2016  2:43:00 AM
why? I have one Associate Classical Sequence hopefully qualifying next month (she's 40)
and we have just taken our school examination and had children as young a 5 doing Classical Sequence. In our next of the woods Northwest England Classical Sequence is thriving, I spent yesterday with around 200 hundred people at the 64th Sequence gala in Southport and will be at the Tower Ballroom in Blackpool on Friday where you will regularly find over 200 people dancing Classical Sequence and I do mean Classical Sequence not modern or latin Sequence
Re: Not in Atlanta
Posted by Guest
3/3/2017  3:32:00 PM
Janet . Classical Sequence . Is n't that a new name for what was English Old Time. Which included Tango Solair and Veleta with its very precise severe foot positions and so on.
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