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Re: , . response to JJs post
Posted by terence2
12/31/2010  11:38:00 PM
I have a little bit of an issue with the " if you are a musician " context.

I have, in the past,taught 2 World class musicians ( One a 1st chair symph. and the other a jazz drummer ) BOTH had problems with dancing on time to music.

Ive also come across this many times over the yrs with musicians who echo the same thoughts.

They disagree with HOW we sometimes apply steps to rhythms they are playing .

Re: Starting Off
Posted by belleofyourball
1/2/2011  11:54:00 PM

You could be great...just work as hard as you can and do your best. You don't have to start out in shape because ballroom will get you into shape and keep you in shape. It will be hard and sometimes your muscles will be sore but it is a good sore.

The great part of your age is that you'll learn the choreography much more quickly than most of the rest of us and your body is still growing so it can shape itself to be a dancers body!

Good luck and have fun dancing!
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