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Re: Is 49 years old too old to pursue ballroom dan
Posted by ballroominspired
3/23/2012  9:20:00 AM
I started BRD when I was 46. My husband was 50. I am now 57 and he is 61. We loved BRD when we started, and we love it more now. So, to me, 49 is definitely not too old. Frankly, I don't think any age is too old.

One of the better dancers in my studio is in her mid 70's. She started around 16 years ago, I believe. That would mean she started at around my current age. By the way, she looks absolutely fabulous on the floor.

As to learning BRD, I would recommend group classes (as several other contributors have suggested) if you can't afford private lessons. Learning all by yourself will prove to be quite difficult.

Best of luck and enjoy.
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