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Re: Question about shoes
Posted by OZ.
5/11/2012  2:11:00 PM
Something that hasn't been mentioned is that a Professional Competitor and teacher who wear a 3 inch heel do not teach in those shoes. There are various training shoes that are better suited for being on their feet teaching for several hours each day.
Re: Question about shoes
Posted by Ginka85
5/20/2012  10:32:00 AM
To all the ladies who responded,

I just wanted to let you all know that I ended up buying a pair of Monsoons by Ray Rose yesterday and I absolutely LOVE them. I actually purchased them in a size 5.5, two sizes down from my street shoe size, and they fit like a glove. I love the style because they grip my feet very well and provide a lot of stability. I tried on the Blizzard, which is a beautiful shoe, but it doesn't seem to provide as much support. Also, since the front straps are made from pure satin instead of leather, I was told that the Blizzards stretch out quite a bit and do not last as long as other professional shoes. Thanks again for all the feedback!
Re: Question about shoes
Posted by dorabora
5/21/2012  9:57:00 AM
Just a word for those whose shoes hurt. You can stretch them out yourself by cramming the toe box with paper/socks/anything to fill out the space. Leave them for a few days and put the padding back in after you've used them. This helps ease the tightness of wearing a close-fitting shoe.

If the heel box hurts you you can be a bit more aggressive by pounding a bit with a hammer. Yes, I know it sounds brutal, but it some cases you will never wear down the hard heel box unless you take matters into your own hands. I don't get blisters, and my feet are more important to me than any shoe.
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