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Re: Judging
Posted by quickstep7
7/19/2012  4:46:00 AM
You are spot on. As a judge I would say this is exactly the point. We all look for different things and provided you don't "piss us off" you will do rather well.
Re: Judging
Posted by Guest
5/21/2017  5:53:00 PM
Judging. There was a time a few years ago when it was being considered that a a judge should disqualify themselves from judging their own couples. In the early in rounds this for obvious reasons would not be possible. But in the finals of a competition it would be possible. Anyway it never was enforced. But this is what can and did happen in a major
competition where i live. On past performances the winner would be between two couples. and third would be as always the same couple. One judge was marking his couple first and the other couple he was marking low. The other judge was doing the same. Guess who came out the winner. The winner was the couple who always came third. They came first.
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