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Re: Leader and Follower
Posted by ladydance
12/25/2012  10:49:00 AM
I know of no one in the international style that condemns the terms 'leader and follower'. Anyone who knows anything about dance understands the terms. It is beginners, especially women, who get all insulted when told they are the follower. Okay then, use 'facilitator'. Changing the terms is just stupid in my opinion. The 'follower' can not decide where to go or what to do. They have enough to do just interpreting what the leader wants. That being said, the follower must know her steps. She has to know how to do a heel turn if she wants to dance international foxtrot. There is no way around it.
When women want to be pushed or pulled, it is because they don't know any steps and don't want to spend the time or money needed. They are heavy and unresponsive and good dancers don't want to dance with them. They never have a partner and come to our studio demanding that we find one for them that is "a strong lead". They won't dance with a beginner because that would require work.

Re: Leader and Follower
Posted by terence2
12/31/2012  2:37:00 AM

Heres a concept for all to consider ; in real terms, the MAN is the " follower.

He suggests/initiates a direction, the lady commences to move, to create space into which the man may "step " . Its a law of dynamics; if a "force meets a stationary object, then theres a split second ,when that " force ", is " arrested", before allowing it to continue in its designated direction ( the created space by lady (in fwd directions , for e.g. ).

This, of course, is predicated upon the dynamic, caused by the "leaders "motion from the core .
Re: Leader and Follower
Posted by rgswoohoo
1/5/2013  6:50:00 PM
here is the main problem with you own statement: "He suggests/initiates a direction"
Re: Leader and Follower
Posted by Voco
1/5/2013  10:08:00 PM
Let me put my two cents in. In this discussion one should differentiate between social dance and competitive dance.

When I social dance and I get a complement you are a good strong leader or something of that sort, I know I was over-leading, pushing and shoving. However, as there is no set chorography in social dance, the lead has to be more definite, even with ladies who are good followers.

I knew one social dance teacher who actually demonstrated forceful how to shove the lady-partner around. But, she could teach almost anyone, who never danced, walking in from the street to the studio, in 6 weeks, actually dance, not well, but following the rhythm of the music and not stepping on the partners feet.

Of course when it comes to competitive dancing big force is a no-no. The judges immediately see that and downgrade such couple, and they look at them negatively as well if a couple does the opposite, which happens often in pro-am competitions that the male-student is not leading, but waits for the pro-lady to lead.

The leader must initiate the move and the follower, as Brian Watson tells us in one of his video instruction, hopefully decides to join me in the move.

There is a special harmony when the man initiates and the lady follows arriving at the same time. Of course, there are special instances when the man follows her lead. After all, the idea is dancing together.
Re: Leader and Follower
Posted by terence2
1/7/2013  3:44:00 AM

Isnt ALL fwd motion ( with body ) a suggestion ? . It is, by nature, a " persuasive " action .
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