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Re: I want to learn other dances
Posted by nloftofan1
3/8/2013  7:48:00 AM
Jonathan Atkinson is right. Instructional videos can be very helpful—you can watch a figure be danced correctly 100 times in a row, if you need to. But a video can't tell you "You're not doing that quite right; do B instead of A."

When I was first learning to dance, often I could pick up a new figure and do it reasonably well during the lesson, but far too often I couldn't remember it the next day. So I started writing everything down right away. I have several thick notebooks with the details of dance patterns. That's where a video can be really helpful, taking the place of notes (which may not be quite right, anyway).
Re: I want to learn other dances
Posted by belleofyourball
3/9/2013  11:38:00 AM
You used to be able to buy Jitterbug on VHS from DanceVision. I don't know if you still cam but I would imagine so. The jitterbug was pretty easy to learn...it isn't as structured or detail oriented as ballroom
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