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Re: Embarresment
Posted by nloftofan1
6/15/2013  8:38:00 AM
You've already gotten some very good answers. One person mentioned "Dancing With the Stars." One contestant on that show, Jerry Rice, is one of the greatest pro football players in history. He was always noted for coming into training camp in good shape. Yet he lost 35 pounds training for DWTS.

If the people making fun of you COULD do it, they probably would. It's not for wimps.
Re: Embarresment
Posted by undoit
6/17/2013  4:28:00 PM
Let them laugh and think you are joking... Really, I'm 31 and I work in a shop full of guys... I get the same thing. They call me "Twinkle," so that is what I call myself, and I bust the most rediculous moves you have ever seen. Seriously, I probably make more cracks about ballroom than anyone else there, but when I hit the floor, I have pure dedication and give all attention to detail. So about the nickname, I am actually the boss in the shop, and if it bothered be in the slightest, the name would go away... Fact is that it cracks me up that they got it right... My favorite dance just happens to be the Waltz...
Re: Embarresment
Posted by O.K.
6/19/2013  10:57:00 PM
I would rather dance with a lady than than run around a field chasing a bunch of guys dressed in the nearest thing to tights..
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