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Re: Tipsy chasse to L vs Tumble turn vs Chasse rol
Posted by Waltz123
7/31/2013  3:01:00 PM
What you're describing is basically a Tipple Chasse to right and to left, with slight variations and simply with alternative terminology.

Victor's "Tipsy" Chasse is, as SocialDancer pointed out, a mislabeled Tipple Chasse. I took lessons with Victor for many years and just happen to know first hand that he always uses the term Tipsy Chasse to mean Tipple Chasse. He's the only person I know who does this, so I think you're probably better off going with the more universally recognized term here, however, I think people will probably get the point either way.

So, assuming we're calling it a Tipple Chasse, you can see how it really is basically the same figure taken to the right or left.

The "Chasse Roll" as as demonstrated on the video is, for all intents and purposes, a Tipple Chasse. The only difference between a standard Tipple and what they danced on the video was the shaping. Everything else, including foot placements, timing, amounts of turn, rise & fall, etc are identical. So it's a variation of the the Tipple Chasse, with a rolling action, making it a "Chasse Roll" (You can imagine it's short for Tipple Chasse with Roll).

A Tipple Chasse in syllabus is taken without sway, although it can also be taken with a sway to the man's right over the course of the first 4 steps. The shape may straighten at the end of the 4th step if you follow with a pivot, or it can hold to the right if following with an Impetus. The Chasse Roll is entered with a man's leftward shape on 1-2, changing the shape to the right as the feet close on 3-4. Then again either straighten on the end of 4 or maintain rightward shape. On the video, they maintain as the follow with an Impetus.

At any rate, the bottom line is, these are all basically forms of Tipples.

Now you're right about the Tumble: It, too, is essentially a variation of left-turning Tipple, the main difference being the foot position of the 3rd step, which is a small forward step for man outside partner, rather than a foot closure (lady natural opposite). In this way it is no longer a chasse, and so it seems appropriate that it is given a different label. As for the shape, it's typically danced more like the left-turning version of the Chasse Roll, entering the first two steps with a "pendular" type of swing, swaying to the man's right. Then the shape is changed to the left over 3-4, giving it that "rolling" or "tumbling" quality.

All in all, I think your assessment is very accurate. Tipples and Tumbles in all of their various forms share much in common. The only term I would question is Tipsy Chasse: A Tipsy is a very different figure, specific to Quickstep. And believe it or not, I would say the Tipsy is most similar to -- get this -- a Polka Basic. And the Polka Basic has very little in common with Tipples and Tumbles.

Jonathan Atkinson
Re: Tipsy chasse to L vs Tumble turn vs Chasse rol
Posted by turbo2288
8/1/2013  2:41:00 PM
Thanks you very much for the in-depth explanation.
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