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Dance partner near Melbourne CBD
Posted by elton1
8/17/2013  4:45:00 AM
How are we? I am very passionate about dancing and just gotten back into it myself after a 2-yr break. Unlike most of you professionals here, I am currently looking for someone (aged 28-35 adult level) to join me for once a week private lessons (near Melbourne CBD) and also practice say couple of hours a week during groups lessons/practice class/ socials. At this stage, I am busy with other activities so I am not able to dedicate too many days dancing. My current aim is to improve my technic & expression and also to find a dance partner whom has the same goal as me. I may consider competition in the future.
I am 156cm tall (without shoes). I am currently doing latin/ballroom/ st latin & new vogue. Taken gold level latin and ballroom medals + silver bar st latin medal.
Lemme know if interested then we can have a chat about it.
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