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Re: Are Americans Ruining Smooth?
Posted by terence2
1/29/2014  4:12:00 AM
I do not know if you are still reading posts here, but.... A major correction to one of your insertions, that being.. there is no way Amer. studios ( chains particularly ) can turn out top level Intern. style dancers.. well.. heres a few for your consideration..

Joe/ Nancy Jenkins.. 3rd in the world 1972/3 Blackpool finalist .. Standard

Larry/ Betty Silvers.. eighth in the world.. Intern. Latin 19 70s

Bobby Medieros.. coached numerous latin european couples in the 70/80s ( a former F.Astaire teacher ).. I could go on.

but, I do think you may need to re-think your post.

P.S. I was one of the 1st coaches for Larry and Joe,among many others, both from F.A. in D.C,( 1964 ) and yes, they did go to the UK for training. doesnt everyone ???
Re: Are Americans Ruining Smooth?
Posted by phutch
1/31/2014  6:57:00 AM
This is an old post and the original author may have converted. I have always appreciated Terence2's outlook. I was wondering what your take is on how much responsibility the universities must share with the social arena as you cited in your 1/29/14 post.
Re: Are Americans Ruining Smooth?
Posted by terence2
1/31/2014  8:06:00 AM

I know that, the USA Univs. contribute a great deal to the Amat. and some times, Prof ranks ( Ronnie Montez for one e.g. and there are others ).

Pretty much most of them ,bring in outside coaches..... I for e.g. , had that pleasure ( with the U.Ga).

BYUs dance program ,is 2nd to none, and their formation team ,as i re-call, won "Blackpool" on several occasions . And I do know that, there were those that came into the dance teaching profession, well trained and coached .

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