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Re: Jack McGregor and Bemil
Posted by Barry Sandland
4/12/2014  9:47:00 AM
My first wife, Barbara and I were coached by Jack and Bemil in the 1960's and were an incredible influence on both our dancing and cereers. I now rum both a studio in Florida and an organization of dance studios throughout the US.

Did you ever receive any video footage as requested in your communication in 2008? If you did, I would love a copy.

321 779 1188
Re: Jack McGregor and Bemil
Posted by Marie mcgregor anderson
2/25/2015  3:27:00 AM
Hi. Jack and bemil were my aunt and uncle, I am so glad they made a difference to people's life with there dancing, if u were to get a video of them . I would be grateful if you could pass me a copy as I have been trying myself for one, so glad to know of some of his pupils . Marie
Re: Jack McGregor and Bemil
Posted by Kerry Pinder
4/5/2015  11:54:00 AM

Just want to know if Bemil Twiggs was the sister of Delziel and Margaret Twiggs
Re: Jack McGregor and Bemil
Posted by Diane
2/8/2016  9:54:00 PM
Is there a way that you could post photos of Jock and Bemil McGregor??
I was fortunate to have had private lessons with Jock in 1976. I was teaching at a Fred Astaire studio and needed some polishing. I learned so much from him, but beyond that, it was such an Honor to be able to dance with him !!!!
Re: Jack McGregor and Bemil
Posted by terence2
2/11/2016  7:37:00 AM

Hi Barry, It's Levine ( remember Crenshaw AM ? )..I'm back in the UK but hope to return maybe this year, to FL.

Whats surprising me about the posts, are how many knew/know Jock and Beryl (I remember she had a bunch of birds ).

Here's a few more Pro. names who lived in the US from the UK, and I had sometimes used for judging.

Jim and Olive Cullip.. John Hatton.. Joe and Joan Pierce .Too many more to list that, laid the groundwork, for the then called "English style "in the States .
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