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Re: Are there two major schools of International R
Posted by O.K.
6/5/2014  9:50:00 PM
Voco. Hi. Google The Cha Cha Time Step. It will tell you all you need to know. It is presented by Stefan Green and Adriana Sigona. You will notice the Half Close which is now Close. Footwork. Before was ball Flat throughout. It is now
Ball Flat. Ball. Ball Flat. This is a official WDSF presentation.
Re: Are there two major schools of International R
Posted by Voco
6/20/2014  1:11:00 AM
Hi OK,

The 3 ball-flat chasse versions have not been danced in competitions for probably at least decade. It looks slow and rigid. I realize that it has been on the books, but the competitors just ignored the book.

It appears that the current tendency is to speed up the 4-And in order to have enough time to accent the 1. Do you agree?
Re: Are there two major schools of International R
Posted by O.K.
6/20/2014  8:31:00 PM
Voco. I expect you often see the Cha Cha Chasse danced wrong especially in the social scene in which the three steps are wrongly given an equal value. As you know the correct timing is 1/2 . 1/2. 1. I still have the former I.S.T.D. Technique Book 1983 Edition.In it they don't even bother to state the timing, it just says 4 & 1. Back to the real world. If you do move the closing foot in faster to accent the whole beat your timing would more likely be 3/4 . 1/4 1. I suppose it then depends on the judges. They would be very quick if they could pick it. If you look good, why not do it that way.
Re: Are there two major schools of International R
Posted by Voco
6/20/2014  11:36:00 PM
Hi OK,

RE: ---They (judges) would be very quick if they could pick it. If you look good, why not do it that way.---

You might be right about the - 1/4, I have to think about that.

The judges would not care as long as it looks good, as you say, to substitute that timing.

I think the accent on 1 looks good, although not on all measures. That makes CC a sleek, dynamic dance, not just a fast Rumba with short-cuts.

I also agree about your comment on CC in Social Dance. I was talking about competitive Latin. The main rule of Social Dance is don't step on your partners foot and smile apologetically if you do.
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