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Re: Falling for my teacher
Posted by oh!beenthere
11/29/2014  9:50:00 AM
It would be so hilarious, therapeutic, informative and healthy for the both sides of dancing community to create awareness of all the cliche lines and behaviors that instructors with bad practices feed their students (at first, I thought they were just clumsy attempts to be polite). I do not know what female instructors say or do, but from collected comments of male instructors I may start with: "..you don't know what effect you have on men.."; "..I have had hundreds of students, but never connected with anyone like this.."; "..you are the most exciting woman I have ever met.."; and the crown of them all - "..oh! what are you doing to me.." Would be so wonderful, if people share other lines.
Re: Falling for my teacher
Posted by I so identify
12/12/2014  6:20:00 AM
The mere fact that you are unsure and are asking for assurance to go ahead should tell you to listen to your gut feel. Instinct is seldomm wrong, you are aware of the flirting (so difficult not to in this arena with such close contact and feel-good hormones being produced. If you are someone special to him, trust me he WILL make the move. Resist the urge, enjoy and treasure the dance and time with him it is something so special in its own space - dont spoil what you currently do have ... trust me i know what you are feeling.
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