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Re: terminology
Posted by Waltz123
12/22/2014  9:30:00 AM
As far as I can tell, you don't seem to be missing anything.

3/8 = 135 degrees, which is correct over the first 3 steps. You begin facing diagonal center, turn 3/8 over steps 1-3, and end backing line of dance. You then do the same over steps 4-6 to end facing diagonal wall. The total turn is 3/8 + 3/8, which is 3/4. That is the maximum amount of turn one should take on a Left Box before it becomes a different figure, the Left Cross Turn.

Jonathan Atkinson
Re: terminology
Posted by wlkraft
12/30/2014  7:01:00 PM
In these first few foxtrot classes I have attended, I thought I learned a left box turn as a turn that would negotiate a corner, with six steps resulting in a total of more or less 90 degrees. If this is the same pattern that variability in degree of turn is surprising. That is the cause of my confusion.
Also, the left box video on this web site shows what seem to me approximately 270 degrees of rotation over four "slow quick quick" counts, which is 12 steps.
Re: terminology
Posted by nloftofan1
12/23/2014  7:24:00 AM
3/8 of a turn is 135 degrees: (3/8) x 360 = 135. So your idea (135 degrees over three steps) and what the book says (3/8 in the first three steps) are the same idea. And the Foxtrot turn does go 270 degrees in six steps: starting DC and turning left to end DW. Why do you think you are missing something?
Re: terminology
Posted by wlkraft
12/29/2014  5:36:00 PM
In these first few foxtrot classes I have attended, I thought I learned a left box turn as a turn that would negotiate a corner, with six steps resulting in a total of more or less 90 degrees. If this is the same pattern that variability in degree of turn is surprising. That is the cause of my confusion.
Re: terminology
Posted by wlkraft
12/29/2014  5:44:00 PM
Also, the left box video on this web site shows what seem to me approximately 270 degrees of rotation over four "slow quick quick" counts, which is 12 steps.
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