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Re: Feelings for Ballroom dance instructor
Posted by ladydance
4/19/2015  1:22:00 PM
There is no proof that katemeg is involved in an abusive relationship with her dance instructor. From what she has told us, he tells her that she is a good dancer and she picks up steps quickly. He is young, good looking and married. That is all we know. Almost every instructor I know quickly learns who they can be honest with and who they can't. Some people do not want to hear the truth about their dancing. One of the most popular teachers in our city (a woman) tells everyone that they are doing a terrific job. Most of them are horrible dancers, all hunched over, no frame, no footwork etc. They love her because she makes them feel good. Is that abusive? Without knowing more, it is unfair to blame the instructor because katemeg is having feelings for him. Dancing in close contact is a natural progression in learning to dance nothing more. Is katemeg a victim? Only she can answer that.
Re: Feelings for Ballroom dance instructor
Posted by kitnhead
4/19/2015  2:07:00 PM
An interesting note: my ballroom teacher recently told me that it's commonplace for teachers and students to have relationships. Seems true because there are so many rules about it in studios that it must happen often enough that studio owners need to creat policy.

To the OP: don't feel guilty about enjoying a little attention. Make a budget for it. If you can afford only one lesson per week, then so be it. Do groups for extra practice. You deserve joy as much as the next person.
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