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Re: A Perfect Dance
Posted by foxstepper
8/29/2015  2:57:00 PM
I recently had a wonderful dance. I've been taking lessons for about 2.5 years so I'm not a beginner, neither am I high level. I adore learning picky techniques and complicated steps and I am fortunate to take private and group lessons with excellent professionals. But I like to have fun, too, and I wish my instructors could have watched this dance. My partner was an instructor from another studio but this was a social dance. We had not danced cha cha together before and had only ever danced together a few times. He invited me beyond my comfort zone and I followed almost everything well including some great spins (girls love to spin!). I never knew what would come next, there was no pattern, just pay attention to leader, use what you know, move with the music and do your best! It was like a game! I'm proud to think I could follow well enough to play a good game, and I had an absolute blast! And I think he had fun, too, and I'm grateful for his willingness to play with me!
Re: A Perfect Dance
Posted by TundraDancingGal
9/1/2015  12:53:00 PM
Foxstepper, it sounds like we have a lot in common-similar levels and favorite dances. Your reply was so much fun to read, I can picture the two of you dancing.
Re: A Perfect Dance
Posted by DeepndSwamps
9/1/2015  1:26:00 PM
I, too, am a social dancer although I have competed.

I am sure that this sounds "sunshine and lollipops" but every dance that I do is "perfect".

No, the steps and patterns aren't. But, the dance is. When the song is right I sing as I dance (not loudly, not a good singer). When the song is right, I may add a swing turn in the corner while doing a foxtrot. When the song is right, I'll slip from Rumba, to Cha Cha and to Bolero.

My perfect dance is an expression of who I am and what I feel. Ergo, they are all perfect.
Re: A Perfect Dance
Posted by TundraDancingGal
9/2/2015  9:18:00 AM
It's good to know I'm not the only one who can't help singing along! Those classic fox trots are just infectious, aren't they?
Re: A Perfect Dance
Posted by foxstepper
10/13/2015  8:56:00 PM
The one dance I can't sit still for. Infectious is a good word! Classic or modern, the body has to move to that sound! Even if it's just to snap my fingers!
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