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Re: Song ideas
Posted by ballroomchick
6/15/2016  12:16:00 PM

Tango and cha cha are 2 different tempos. Only way for you to do this would be to cut 2 pieces of music and run them back to back.

As for going a Waltz and Rumba, there's already a dance that combines both - Bolero. LOTS of music for that. It's a beautiful dance and if danced correctly is quit sensual/romantic.
Re: Song ideas
Posted by twaldowski
6/16/2016  1:09:00 AM
Are your examples literal or is your goal to showcase different dances? Waltz is 3/4 and all other music is 4/4; mixing Waltz with anything will be difficult but it can be done. With Latin music you can probably mix Cha-Cha and Rumba.

You will have more success matching dances to music than the other way around. Here is what I mean. Coincidentally I have a favorite selection from a movie soundtrack. It starts Bolero, then Quickstep, then Cha-Cha.

I was in a West Coast Swing class and the teacher lives WCS. She said we could do WCS to Waltz timing and she was right - just not a Waltz you like because then you want to go big.

For a Latin mix try Hi-a Ma by Milk and Sugar.
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