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Re: quickstep after the natural spin turn
Posted by Guest
12/16/2016  7:09:00 PM
Aispark. I would say that the answer is No to can we do 4 5 6 of a Reverse Turn after the Natural Spin Turn like in the Waltz. For a start we have 28 bpm opposed to 50 bpm. The Waltz is commence to rise at the end of step one, continue to rise on two and three. Lower vertically at the end of three. This in the Quickstep with the speed of the music without a drastic change in the footwork would not be feasible. Example the third step would have to be flat to the floor.
Re: quickstep after the natural spin turn
Posted by germandanceteacher
1/6/2017  6:55:00 AM
Of course "4 - 6 of Rev. Turn" is possible.
In former technique it was the second half of the Quarter Turn including man's "Heel Pivot", for less advanced dancers changed to a "Waltz step" as described above.
We could call it "Chasse Rev. Turn" (ISTD "Moore"-Ballroom Techn.) with man doing lady's steps and lady doing man's steps.
It is important that the man is leading this "side - close" different to a Progressive Chasse:
- He does a very small side step
- Has no "body turns less" at the closing
- lowers e/o 3 to start the following part with heel and CBM (I say "kind of Tango-Feeling" - nearly CBMP) so that his left leg is very close to the outside of lady's right leg as the 1st step of the following figure.
So overall he has to stop lady's progression.
Re: quickstep after the natural spin turn
Posted by Guest.
1/12/2017  1:25:00 PM
The question was . Can we do a 4-6 of a Reverse Turn after the Natural Spin Turn in Quickstep
like in the Waltz. 4-6 like in the Waltz would have to be completely flat S.Q.Q. Might as well do a Heel Pull. Could do a Slip Pivot instead. In either case we are introducing another figure after the Spin Turn to do the Chasse Reverse Turn. I think we would find that a Slip Pivot would be more spectacular and in keeping with the Quickstep to keep it moving.

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