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Re: re: Curl and Spiral in Rumba
Posted by terence2
12/29/2016  9:36:00 AM
Pretty much, most of the basic variations were taken from Bolero and Danzon ( same for mambo/chacha ) and adapted to the Intern. style .

The speed of the music for each, played a large part, in each figures construction, a good ex being the basic in each of Bolero and Rumba, both predicated on the open Box ( XBL and Fan another ex )also, the change in music...
Re: re: Curl and Spiral in Rumba
Posted by Guest
1/5/2017  4:00:00 PM
The Bolero. A piece of music composed by Ravel in 1928 commissioned by a Russian Ida Rubinstein actress and dancer for a Ballet.
It seems it was a solo dance at that time . Some credit for its popularity must go to film actors George Raft and Carol Lombard who in a 1934 danced the Bolero in a film of the same name. Look it up.There is a film clip which can be seen. For the records . There was already a Spanish dance called the Bolero. Its interesting to note that most of the
demonstrations take place on a large round table or stage, which points that in a market place a crowd always form a circle never a square. Even in the George Raft film they are on a circular stage possibly to stay with tradition.
Re: re: Curl and Spiral in Rumba
Posted by terence2
1/7/2017  3:28:00 AM

You "picked " up on a very important feature, the " Circle ".

Cuban style dance, as in Rueda,Casino, Son etc, all were designed in that manner .

The music , pre dates the Ravel version by many years .
Re: re: Curl and Spiral in Rumba
Posted by kiaragillett
1/11/2017  4:56:00 PM
spirals can be done on both feet :))
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