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Re: "Diagonal to centre"?
Posted by socialdancer
4/21/2017  9:51:00 AM
Guest, kudos to your teacher for making you dance a full spin turn along the side of the room. Many take the easy option of putting the spin turn in a corner as less turn is required. The problem is that this goes into muscle memory as the default action for a spin turn which then tends to be underturned everywhere and it becomes awkward to make the full amount of turn when needed, let alone an overturned version.

I'm afraid your explanation confused me as I was not sure where the corner was, so let me elaborate on my earlier comment.
Consider a typical beginner routine of repeated natural turn, change step, reverse turn, change step (different teachers will have a favourite starting point in this cycle). When danced near the beginning of a long room, the natural turn (6 steps) will end facing DC which may also approximate to facing the physical centre of the room which is why we need to be clear about what we mean by DC. There is now plenty of room to continue the routine with change step and reverse etc.

Eventually we get close to the corner. The full natural turn still ends DC although we are now long past the physical centre but there is now no room to continue with the change step and reverse. The usual approach is to turn the corner by underturning the natural to end DC on the new LOD. This can lead to the pupil turning the corner too early, potentially impeding the couple behind them. We can minimise the early turn by ensuring the first step of the natural turn is taken into the physical corner rather than DW which is possibly what provoked Phil's original question.

Another approach is to recognise that the full natural turn to end DC (side 1) is also now facing DW on the new LOD (side 2), so we can continue straight into another natural turn having effectively turned the corner.

I refer to side 1 & 2 above only for clarity as I try to wean my beginners off routines as soon as I can and encourage them to decide for themselves which figures to dance next, based on where they are in the room, which way they are facing and which foot is free to move.
Re: "Diagonal to centre"?
Posted by Guest
5/6/2017  6:49:00 PM
Why some people have a problem with which direction they should be facing is a lack of understanding of how to move from the end of side 1 ( the long side ) to the beginning of side 2. ( the short side ). Lets suppose that the Stage takes up the whole of side 2. At the end of side 1 after the first three steps of a Natural Turn we have our back square to the Stage. On our next three step we do not have the 3/8 of a turn because we need to finish facing diagonal to the center on step 6 of the Natural Turn .We do Not have our back square to the stage we should be facing diagonal to the center on side 2 ready for our Change Step which has no turn. and continue into our Reverse Turn.
There was a Lecture I attended . The Lecturer asked all the ladies only to take to the floor.She said I want you all to dance a Basic Waltz including a whisk and Chasse into a Natural Spin Turn to music. These ladies were competition dancers. It was a total mess. Without a partner they were lost. She proved her point that the ladies must know their steps better than they know the back of their hand. On came the men. No problem. She even had us doing the same steps with our eyes closed.
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