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International Waltz - running weave step for lady
Posted by aispark
11/23/2016  12:29:00 AM
I would like to hear an opinion on the footwork of the running weave steps for the lady in International Waltz. I'm comfortable doing HT-T-T-TH but I was advised by my teacher to change the second step to HT and finding it difficult to do it...
Re: International Waltz - running weave step for l
Posted by socialdancer
11/28/2016  1:30:00 PM
HT-T-T-TH is correct so it should feel comfortable, particularly if counted 1&23 and the man uses strong rotation.
An abitrary change of footwork on one step in isolation will give you problems.

However, if your teacher is aiming at changing the dynamics of the figure then this may cause the lady's footwork to change but only as a result of other changes. Counting the figure 12&3 may be enough change but my guess would be that your teacher is looking for more travel over the floor.

If the man is taking longer steps with less rise then this must be matched by the lady and it becomes awkward for her to take the second step on a T so HT is more appropriate. Note that the first step should also change to H (remembering that the foot will roll to the toe anyway) This will delay/lower the rise and prevent an ugly drop from T to H.

Lady's footwork would then be H-HT-T-TH
Re: International Waltz - running weave step for l
Posted by aispark
11/30/2016  2:51:00 AM
Thank you for your explanation, main reason to do HT for the second step was to stay low so I started to understand now...
Re: International Waltz - running weave step for l
Posted by phil.samways
2/28/2018  9:36:00 AM
I can understand your teacher suggesting HT for the second step. Using a toe could cause a rise just as the man is doing a strong rotation around you, which would affect smooth movement in the figure. I have heard suggestions from some teachers that, in timings such as 1&2..... the first two steps could advantageously be HT, HT
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