The IDTA Amateur Syllabus for adults (Medal Tests), no longer specifies ANY figures at ANY level. If you make a comparison with the ISTD Syllabus, you will see that there you get a clear correspondence of figures at Bronze, Silver & Gold levels with the Professional Syllabus requirements for Associate, Licentiate & Fellow.
However, for IDTA Medal tests, the only actual requirement is that a minimum number of figures be presented, within the capabilities of the candidate. Five figures are required at Bronze Level, and six at Siler. By Gold, only a "selection of figures" is required - so not necessarily more than six.
It might be tempting to continue to match the IDTA Professional Syllabus requirements of Associate, Licentiate & Fellow with Bronze, Silver & Gold, and then find some small differences between the two Society's lists, but to do so would be missing two important points:
Firstly, the standard required in an Amateur Medal Test is nothing like that of the corresponding Professional Exam. If you get a "Highly Commended" in a Bronze Medal, you are NOT suitably prepared for the Associate Exam (although your dance performance MIGHT be of a suitable standard), and the holder of a Gold Medal, is in no sense the equal of the holder of a Fellowship in a Teaching Society.
Secondly, the association of the two systems might lead you to think that a Gold Medal is more than it is. It is not uncommon to think Bronze = Beginner; Silver = Intermediate and that Gold = Advanced. Actually, I think that Gold rounds off the beginner phase of dancing, the intermediate phase is represented by the Gold Bars & Stars, and perhaps the advanced phase, the President's Awards and beyond. The IDTA offers medal tests at twenty levels, Gold being the third.
The descriptions from the Amateur Syllabus bear this out:
All the way up to to 3rd Gold Bar (Level 6): "a selection of figures demonstrated to a higher standard of technique"(ie progressively higher than Silver); up to 5th Gold Star (Level 11): "... a higher standard of technique showing good poise, deportment and characterisation"; and for the President's Awards: "... a selection of figures ... performed with continuity, fluidity of movement and musical interpretation".
Can you be an advanced dancer without those things?