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looking for costume
Posted by Rinrin216
6/25/2011  11:40:00 PM
I'm looking for social, modern, and latin dance costumes that are fancy and flashy.
If you know on line shops which have the costumes that is over 500 dollers and ready-made dress, please let me know.
and if the on line shop is often used by famous dancers, it's even better.

Thank you.

Re: looking for costume
Posted by Connie
6/27/2011  5:07:00 PM
I could help you with your costume needs. Contact me at ahfconnie@aol.com. Let's talk!
Re: looking for costume
Posted by Jessica
6/28/2011  11:06:00 AM
Hi Connie!
I am a captain of the ballroom dancing club at my school and we are having an issue with shoes. We honestly do not have the budget to buy everyone matching shoes so I was wondering if you had any ideas about making everyone shoes look the same on a VERY tight budget!
Re: looking for costume
Posted by anymouse
6/28/2011  11:45:00 AM
"I am a captain of the ballroom dancing club at my school and we are having an issue with shoes. We honestly do not have the budget to buy everyone matching shoes so I was wondering if you had any ideas about making everyone shoes look the same on a VERY tight budget!"

Simple answer is don't waste time or money on that. The desire for uniformity in formations is somewhat at odds with the usual desire to stand out as different in the rest of the ballroom world. Historically, ballroom is the "everyone does their own thing" counterpart to the "everyone does the same thing" sequence dancing that preceded it and still parallels in some places. Unless formations are pretty much all your group ever does, putting too much of your effort (and especially limited money) there is counterproductive.

You can color white shoes to a nude/tan but that's not going to match with anyone who has silver, gold or black. Nude/tan is fairly universally compatible with dress colors, but unless the organization is paying for the shoes its probably not fair to ask someone to dye their shoes to anything darker for a group performance as the result may not be as suitable for their ordinary competition outfit.
Re: looking for costume
Posted by Jamie Montemarano
6/28/2011  9:08:00 PM
Hi Rie,

I have a rhythm/latin dress, that was only worn twice by professional Bree Watson. I am selling it if you are interested. Send me an email at ballroomjamie@yahoo.com for pics and additional info if you are interested!

Re: looking for costume
Posted by AmeliaWestwood
9/13/2011  1:02:00 AM
You can find a great variety of dancing clothes at DanceDirect.com.
Re: looking for costume
Posted by Kristina
9/14/2011  11:42:00 AM
Check out www.rentballroomdresses.com, www.ballroomspecialties.com, www.latindancefashions.com, www.designsbylyn.

All have good dresses and some have consignment dresses.
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