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Pro am and teacher student
Posted by Maria Carney
10/26/2017  3:50:00 PM
Hi my apologies if this is a silly question
What is the difference between pro am events and teacher student?
Can a teacher compete in both?
Are the couple judged as a paid or only the student?
Basically i am a qualified ballroom and Latin teacher and interested in these competitions , I do not compete myself in any other competitions.
What would I be able to enter into?
Does the pro am/teacher student include all girl couples or only male and female?
I appreciate any help and advice! Thank you so much :) :) :)
Re: Pro am and teacher student
Posted by Swing2016
11/1/2017  11:01:00 AM
I can answer part of this question. Pro/Am is short for Professional (which would be a teacher) / Amateur (which would be the student). So I don't really think there is a difference between Pro/Am and Teacher / Student. At least that's how it works at the events I go to.
Re: Pro am and teacher student
Posted by pakarinen
12/3/2017  6:52:00 PM
T/S at USA Dance also includes amateur couples where the “teacher” is not a pro in the NDCA sense. I watched a husband & wife am-am couple dance as TS. And USAD does have same sex couples competing.
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