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Cha Cha
Posted by Rebecca
11/27/2005  5:52:00 PM
I've lived in Nashville/Madison area for 2 yrs now, and recently learned about this dance, line style. I'm interested in learning it, but don't know where to go to learn, is there someone who has info to forward to me, send to rprettynred@excite.com

Thanks for your help.
Re: Cha Cha
Posted by Onlooker
11/28/2005  2:21:00 AM
Rebecca. I see you didn't get an answere probobly because you failed to mention which style you were refering to
There is American Smooth. There are Sequence Dances ( where with a partner everybody does the same steps at the same time ). And we have the International Style which is world wide. There is also line dancing which is the one you are probobly interested in. It is done in a line, and without a partner . Everybody doing the same steps at the same time. If it is they would have there own web- site.
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