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bulging disc
Posted by deewoman
8/17/2004  6:00:00 PM
I'm an amateur ballroom/Latin/swing dancers of 3 years and have been off the dance floor for 2 months because of a bulging disc. I'm looking for anyone's experience with this--what kinds of therapeutic things did you try, how long did you have to stop dancing (you were able to dance again, right?!?!), if this is something that can heal or if it becomes a lifelong problem. Dance has been my Prozac, and I'm missing it terribly. Yet I'm stuck with this body for many years to come (I'm 36). Any advice/anecdotes you could offer is welcome. Thanks! Deanna
Re: bulging disc
Posted by Passing by
8/18/2004  11:46:00 AM
I had sciatica years ago.
Sharp pain went from lower back to my entire right leg.
It was painful in practically all positions and at all times.
I could hardly sleep a wink in the first few days.
Subsequently 4 to 5 chiropractic treatments relieved my pain to tolerable level in the first 2 weeks.
After that it was regular physiotherapy treatments
and stretching exercises at home morning and night.
The improvement was however very slow.
It took me almost 2 years to recover to 90%.

Re: bulging disc
Posted by deewoman
8/25/2004  6:53:00 AM
Thanks for the info. I'll have my last physical therapy appointment today. Each time I've gone, my pt has asked if I've done any dancing. I tried some 3 or 4 weeks ago, but would feel it for a couple of days afterward.
Last night, I went to the practice party and danced about 5 or 6 dances--just cha-cha, rumba and foxtrot. I'm avoiding East Coast Swing and salsa/mambo, unfortunately.
I'm tired today (legs!), but I'm not in pain. I guess I've learned I've got to stop when I feel pain. Thanks! Deanna
Re: bulging disc
Posted by Leshij
8/18/2004  12:33:00 PM
My wife has/had a similar problem. It took us a couple of years to find a good chiropract to fix it the first time. Everything was fine (dancewise and otherwise) for years - until the second pregnancy. She was in awfull condition (raptured disks) for a few months and is recovering now. At least we knew the chiropract to turn to.

From personal experience:

1. Monitor your condition all the time.
2. Find an exceptional chiropract. (The only way conventional medicine seems to treat it is high risk surgery). A bad chiropract may be worse than none.
3. Do not dance until you are sure it's OK.
4. After the regular teraupic exercises (for a couple of months) - When your doctor/chiropract says you can do it - start yoga. Looks like the best way to ensure your muscles are in good condition to protect your spine.

5. You WILL recover - but be very carefull.

You can make it. Good luck!
Re: bulging disc
Posted by deewoman
8/25/2004  7:00:00 AM
Thanks for the info/advice. I hadn't found anything on the internet that said I would definitely make a recovery, so it's nice to hear of someone else's experience. I danced 5 or 6 dances last night at the practice party--no pain in my back. I feel like I have new legs, feet and hips--they're not working like they did 3 months ago! Guess it will just take time.
I did see a chiropractor when I was first injured--but no x-rays or MRI had been done at that point, so we didn't really know what was going on. He cracked my back and said my tailbone was out of alignment on my left side, which was why my left leg was longer than my right leg.
I've had so may people recommend I go to a chiropractor, but I guess I didn't see a good one. I'll have my last physical therapy appointment today, though. Thanks! Deanna
Re: bulging disc
Posted by phil.samways
8/26/2004  8:04:00 AM
Hi deewoman
i have had a prolapsed disc for the past 4 years - i think this is a 'bulging' disc that you referred to.
I had an MRI scan to identify exactly the problem and my physio gave me exercises to do to help - which they did. Mine was in the L4/L5 region, if that menas anything.
I would NEVER go to a chiropractor, but i accept that many people find them useful.
I found dancing was my saviour and my physio agreed. i am a man and my posture was good enough to benefit my back (it may be different for a lady)
In the first year, i would often be in pain driving to a dance, but once i started dancing, the pain disappeared and stayed disappeared till the next day.
Now - 4 years later i'm lucky enough to be dancing comps, playing tennis, basically doing whatever i want to - even digging the garden - except running. I used to run 20 miles a week, but now i'm restricted to one run of 3 miles per week.
My advice
1)Get the MRI scan - pay the money - NOTHING is more valuable to you than your health.
2)Keep exercising sensibly - keep your back strong - a good physio will tell you how , based on the MRI
3)wear a back support ( i don't mean a corset - i mean a wrap around gismo) if you're doing anything 'risky'
2)If it's a prolapsed disc, in my view you WILL feel like your old self if you look after yourself, so be positive.

Best of luck with it
Re: bulging disc
Posted by Cynthia Newlon
1/17/2005  1:37:00 PM
I am trying to find out about a bulging disc. Please give me any info you might have. Thanks,

Re: bulging disc
Posted by owendancer
1/18/2005  3:37:00 PM
deewoman: I too have had the same affliction for as long as I can remember. I am at times, totally disabled by it in that my body goes into a sort of convulsive contortion. My hips point one way but my torso points another. kinda like CBM. Anyway, all is not lost. Get some help initially and if it hurts dont do it!. Once you begin to heal then the injury kinda forces you to execute patterns ultra correctly which ironically makes you a better dancer. I can and you should be able too as well, do whatever you like. P.S. Take up Yoga. Owen
Re: bulging disc
Posted by jerryblu
1/19/2005  7:31:00 AM
Get a copy of MAGGIE'S BACK BOOK. Lots of very valuable advice about a far wider range of issues than you will find elsewhere. (e.g. how to ues pillows at night for best effect to avoid pain.)

If PT or chiropractic helps, great! But if you find it hurting too much, do NOT disregard the advice your body is giving you.

Re: bulging disc
Posted by standardgirl
1/21/2005  5:13:00 PM
I have so-called minor herniated discs. It causes sciatica, etc. I've lost a lot of strength and muscle (condition going on 6 years). I think everyone's different. I can no longer do weight-changing dances for more than 2 mins., e.g. mambo, hustle. Every day I pray for a cure, dance with discomfort and try not to overdue it. Have tried endless remedies, but so far no success. Pace yourself and see if you can maintain your dance schedule by avoiding unnecessary movements. You'll learn what works. You will dance again. Good luck.

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