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    Bolero Variation 3
    At a Glance

    Basic with Lady's Underarm Turn Left to Shadow Position, Quick Switch to R. Side Position, Lady's Free Spin to R., Man's UAT to R. with Hand Change to Lady's Free Spin to L., Leg Wrap & Dip, Fallaway Break, Closed Basic ending.

    This variation is a great addition to your repertoire, with enough flair to add to any showcase routine, but potentially compact and maneuverable enough to fit onto a social dance floor. It is entirely leadable, with just one exception: The lady's leg wrapping action just prior to the dip. Unless she knows ahead of time that she is supposed to ronde and wrap her leg around the man, he has no way of causing her to do this (short of actually reaching down and picking up her leg). However, the ronde and leg wrap is not a necessary element -- the dip can be performed with or without it. Perhaps the most natural reaction on the lady's part would be a step forward on to her right foot (ended as a back step after completing the rotation), supporting her own weight throughout the dip. This is also the best approach for those who do not feel safe supporting the weight of their body on their partner, or for those who do not have the flexibility to lift the leg to waist level.


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