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East Coast Swing Syllabus
Man's Part
Lady's Part
Demo Videos
Beginning Bronze
1a. Basic Step - Open Position
1b. Basic Step - Closed Hold
2. Throwout
3. Link to Closed Position
4. Underarm Turn to R.
5. Underarm Turn to L.
Intermediate Bronze
6. Hammerlock
7. Cuddle Wrap
8. Back Pass
9. Alternating Underarm Turns
10a. Single Overhead Loop
10b. Double Overhead Loop
11. Closed Tuck-In Turn Turn
12. American Spin Tuck-In
Full Bronze
13. Shoulder Spin Tuck-In
14. Continuous Tuck-In Turn
15. Lindy Basic Turning to Right
16. Lindy Basic Turning to Left
17. Lindy Side Passes
18. Stop & Go
19. Fallaway Walks
Intermediate Silver
20. Double Underarm Turn to R.
21. Double Underarm Turn to L.
22. Lindy Side Pass w/ Lady`s Spin
23. Half Circle with Lady`s Spin
24. Lindy Roll In & Out
25a. Promenade Chasses
25b. Promenade Walks
Full Silver
26. Simple Spins
27. Back-to-Back Tuck-In
28. Back-to-Back Check
29. Traveling Spins
30. Sailor Shuffles
31. Toe-Heel Swivels
32. Chicken Walks
Open Gold Variatiations
v1. EC Swing Variation 1
v2. EC Swing Variation 2
v3. EC Swing Variation 3
v4. EC Swing Variation 4
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