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Intro to Hip Motion
Exercise 2: Hip Motion In Place (2nd Position)

Stand in Second Position with feet apart at slightly less than shoulder distance. Toes are turned out. To the beat of the music, you will begin to bend each knee, one at a time. Make sure to fully straighten each knee before bending the next one.


Latin hip motion is a result of the alternate bending and straightening action of the knees.

Because the feet are apart, the body may have a tendency to shift from one foot to the other. Try to avoid this by keeping the weight split directly between them throughout. Do not favor the bent knee.

Things to Remember

Keep the following things in mind as you practice the exercise:

  • Both feet are turned out equally
  • Don't shift weight from foot to foot; Keep weight split between
  • Bent knee bends across
  • Straight knee and hip push backwards
  • Shoulder line stays straight; Don't lean or sway
  • Keep feet flat on floor (for now)
To The Music...

Use the same rhythmic exercises as in first position.

Other Foot Positions

Other foot positions may also be practiced, such as fourth or fifth position. All of them are useful, but first and second position are by far the most important. They will give you the tools you need to start dancing with Latin hip motion.

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