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Re: Define "Social"...
Posted by DivaGinger
8/4/2008  10:06:00 PM
Ladydance brings up "those token few"... and I tried not to for awhile, but since she did, I can, I guess. Normally I try to ignore them and pretend they don't exist- works until you get blood on the walls, I guess

What IS it with the ones who are "not the cadillac kind"- who willfully TRY To be bumbling asshats? It really DOES seem like they're terrible on purpose.

I just want to kick them... but can't.
Re: Define "Social"...
Posted by dheun
8/7/2008  11:30:00 AM
The best social dances seemed to occur at our studio because it was an "open" night and would turn into a good practice session, but with the aura of a party. You would switch partners, work on steps, help each other, etc., all to live music. Otherwise, you have to pick your spots -- some places offer social dances and have huge dance floors (Willowbrook in the Chicago area, for one), while others have tighter quarters and you have to stick with the more stationary dances such as rumba or swing as your best bets. Competitive dancers are so used to wide open spaces and virtually having the floor to themselves, I can see where they simply would have no interest in social events. It would be like asking a professional sports writer if he wanted to go to another game on his day off.
Re: Define "Social"...
Posted by DivaGinger
8/7/2008  12:50:00 PM
Is there a reason why certain studios A- won't answer emails from out-of-town dancers OR answer with "What level are you" when they ask if there are any open socials/parties for drop-ins? Just thought of that one, as it just happened to me (again) last night when I was checking into some places for when we take a trip soon.
Re: Define "Social"...
Posted by dheun
8/7/2008  5:13:00 PM
DivaGinger, that's a surprising response, but only from my standpoint that our studio would never ask such a question. In fact, we sometimes find our studio owner holding back because not enough people come on a given night. My guess would be that it is entirely possible that, at some studios, the more advanced dancers have no interest in being around beginners? That sounds terrible, but it may go on out there somewhere. I suppose, on the positive side, if they had enough people coming, maybe they could split up the nights -- more advanced people on one night, the beginners on another night?
I'm not sure how I would work that if I owned a studio. You're dealing with all sorts of personalities and those who have seniority and feel they are "owed" something. I confess that I sometimes fall into that category, feeling I should get a better deal or a break on certain events or shows or lesson packages.
Re: Define "Social"...
Posted by DivaGinger
8/8/2008  2:02:00 PM
Just thought of something else.

Do people at socials get upset (angry, mad, resentful, however you want to word it) when a couple comes to a social and dances almost exclusively with one another?

I'd dance with other people, so would my partner, if we were asked. We're content either way, but we go to dances to dance together at least most of the time. I'd never turn someone down unless there was a safety or hygeine concern (haven't had to yet). People just don't dance with us. I don't know why, but it doesn't really bother us.

They're all about mixing... yet they seem kind of, well... scared... to approach us. They'll make comments like "We're *just* social dancers, that's all, heh-heheh-"...

We've never competed. We *are* social dancers. What the heck else would we be? (Invoking the previous Anti-Social Clause of Non-competitive DanceSport)
Re: Define "Social"...
Posted by jofjonesboro
8/9/2008  5:46:00 AM
Ginger, it's obvious that epople are completely intimidated by your great beauty.

If, perhaps, you could come across a bit more demurely, you might find yourself doing bronze American Fox trot all evening.

Re: Define "Social"...
Posted by Danceforfun
8/9/2008  9:15:00 AM
Interesting thread. Diva, (back to your original entry), it doesn't sound to me like you are a social dancer in that setting (not that there's ANYTHING wrong with social dancing.) I think we all have an image that a "social" foxtrot is something quite different from a competitive-style foxtrot (and is taught quite differently, at least here in the U.S.) You are dancing in social settings without really being there for the social aspect of it. Nothing wrong with that and wouldn't call it snobbery as long as you follow the "rules". It wouldn't be MY "cup of tea". I don't compete either, but I still take my dancing quite seriously (I do it for fun and sport). I find it much nicer to dance on my own studio time when I can avoid an overly crowded dance floor and choose my own music. I can see why others would make a comment to you about "just being social dancers." There surely must be an obvious difference in the "way" you dance relative to them (is there not?)
Re: Define "Social"...
Posted by Polished
8/9/2008  2:28:00 PM
Danceforfun. Your last sentance. There surely must be an obviouse difference in the way you dance reletive to them
(is there not).Them. I take it is a competion dancer. Them learn to keep there feet pointing in the same direction and not have one pointing one way with the other pointing in another direction. ( This is not Latin where the turnout of the feet becomes part of the technique ). They also dance in time with the music and are concerned with there Posture. They would also have a collection of CD's. A Social Dancer in most cases the next time they hear a strict tempo piece of music will be the next time they go to a Social.But those feet. Next time your out take a look at those feet, even more so in dances such as American Smooth where there are Solo Turns.
Re: Define "Social"...
Posted by terence2
8/10/2008  12:06:00 AM
PLEASE.. SPELL check !!( and punctuation etc. ) an odd mistake we may all make.. but....
Re: Define "Social"...
Posted by CliveHarrison
8/10/2008  1:47:00 AM
The differences you outline suggest groups of people who can dance (to some extent), compared with those who probably can't.

I don't recognise groups of dance sport competitors, and social dancers.

You have to BE a dancer, to be a social dancer. Those dancesport types who can do nothing but their "90 second routine", to order, like performing dogs, are not dancers in any sense of the word I would recognise, and their ability to commit to muscle memory several flashy amalgamations (which they probably couldn't dance with any other precedes and follows) wouldn't change my view one bit.

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