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IDTA vs. prodvida
Posted by Confused
5/6/2009  11:17:00 PM
Both of these organizations certify dance teachers yet it seems like they are two different camps. I am thinking about becoming a ballroom (international) style instructor so which camp is recommended? What's the global feel and trend out there? I am unfortunately in a city where I cannot train with anyone for either camp so I will have to rely on videos and short trips to neighboring larger cities.

Any input is greatly appreciated!
Re: IDTA vs. prodvida
Posted by jwlinson
5/7/2009  9:03:00 PM
IDTA and ISTD are more globally known and recognized. DVIDA is generally recognized mainly in the US.

DVIDA lets you take your certification by the dance. So you can get certified in just standard bronze waltz, then later take your certification exam in silver waltz, etc.

From what I've heard, certification in ISTD and IDTA are more thorough and strict, and as such are prized more highly than DVIDA.

Some people get their DVIDA certs first, then get their ISTD or IDTA certification later.

I'm working towards my DVIDA.
Re: IDTA vs. prodvida
Posted by terence2
5/9/2009  10:17:00 PM
International recognition in " Standard " or Latin.. only the following.. IDTA.. ISTD.. UKA all english Soc.

and the NADTA( american Soc. )is recognised in the UK by the IDTA and the UKA..

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