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Going out into business
Posted by Ondine
2/22/2010  1:32:00 AM
I've been learning dance for a couple of years now and have been teaching under another studio for about a year and a half. I feel for myself though, that the studio is holding me back, especially as i am learning somewhere else as there are no more steps in this studio for me to learn. The studio i feel doesn't appreciate what i can offer, and is complaining to everyone else that they cannot afford to have me at the studio. Should i move out and do it myself, i've got the people behind me, as i am forth coming with the knowledge that i have.
Re: Going out into business
Posted by Telemark
2/22/2010  3:49:00 AM
The studio i feel doesn't appreciate what i can offer

And what can you offer? If you need a studio to teach you further steps (!) you shouldn't be teaching. Do your pupils KNOW that you are an unqualified novice?

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