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Posted by RBFADS
11/25/2014  7:25:00 PM
I am an advanced bronze student and have been battling bursitis in my left hip for about 6 weeks. Steroid injections, NSAIDS, topical creams and reducing my time dancing hasn't helped. I currently am taking two weeks off from all dancing in hopes that it will help.
I plan to compete in February 2015 and need to be pain free as soon as possible. I would very much appreciate any advice from others who may have similar issues.
Re: bursitis
Posted by oh!beenthere
11/29/2014  9:21:00 AM
I am an advanced age beginner - 3 years. Complete rest for almost two months after steroid injection helped me with a bad hip strain. Physical therapy alleviated the pain but did not allow the process of inflammation to subside - in the end made it only worse. Check with a good sports medicine MD if, maybe, you are positioning some of your moves wrong.
Re: bursitis
Posted by rbfads
11/30/2014  11:13:00 AM
Thank you for your response. I have been out of the studio for a week now and have noticed a difference. As much as I want to compete in February, I am thinking it isn't a good idea. There are alwAys going to be competitions and if I don't take it easy now, I could jeopardize future comps.

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