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Cannot log in and videos don't display
Posted by
8/16/2015  7:55:00 PM
Have not been able to use this website for quite some time now. When I try and log in, I get an error message saying "website cannot display". If I try to watch a video without logging in, nothing is displayed except the written instructions.

I finally gave up and have been learning from other web sites, but would like to get what I paid for. Cannot even get in to my account to see when my term expires.

Charlene Decker
user name Sharla
Re: Cannot log in and videos don't display
Posted by nloftofan1
8/17/2015  8:37:00 AM
If you don't have Adobe Flash on your computer, that may be why the videos don't display. You can switch to using Apple Quicktime to show videos in the user preferences (Flash is the default), but of course you have to be able to log in to get to your user preferences. That's an Administrator problem.

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