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First competition -- freaking out!
Posted by Lauren Paul
8/13/2018  11:12:00 AM
So I began with ballroom dance lessons in March and did a showcase with my pro. It hurts now to look at that video but I hear that's normal!

I would say I am learning and progressing on a regular basis -- two coaches and three lessons per week -- but that I am slower to learn/not as agile a dancer as most women (that is my observation).

I'm about a month out from my first competition and I am freaking out! I worry I will be the worst in my newcomer/pre-bronze category. I feel like this fear is now preventing me from making the progress that I need to make.

Once I get unnerved at a lesson I find it hard to absorb new information. Once I make mistakes I start to give in to self-doubt. If I were not looking the competition in the face, I would be able to brush off my mistakes more easily.

I watch videos (but it's hard to tell exactly which ones are using the same steps) and the videos of my coach seem to confuse me more (is he doing my steps? his? which foot again??)

Does anyone have any advice for me? Once i start the downward spiral, I don't do well. When I can suspend my mind/fear I do better.

Thanks in advance.
Re: First competition -- freaking out!
Posted by Ladydance
8/14/2018  1:29:00 PM
The thing about learning to dance is that you don't keep prgressing at the same rate. You peak, then plateau and for awhile it will seem like you aren't improving at all, then you take off again. You may the worst in your newcomer category but you can't worry about it. You have to do the best you can. At the end of the day, no one remembers who won and everyone goes home with the same bunch of stickers for their plaque (or whatever). If you can come away and say "I'm pleased with how I danced" then that is good. I was a mess after my first comp ( I threw up when I got home). I thought, "this is ridiculous, it's supposed to be fun." I am not a natural dancer so I decided to be proud of the fact that I get out there and do it. Two coaches and 3 lessons a week might be too much information to absorb. I know they aren't going to tell you that, they want the money, but right now you need to practice your routines and I think you should be doing that with one coach only. Do not forget dancing is your decision, your money and you have to take charge of your life. Talk to your instructors if you feel you are moving too fast. However, I bet you'll be fine. It is just first comp jitters. Try to have fun!
Re: First competition -- freaking out!
Posted by Lauren Paul
8/16/2018  8:58:00 AM
Thank you so much for the encouraging words, Lady. How long have you been at it? Are you still doing comps?
Re: First competition -- freaking out!
Posted by Ladydance
8/18/2018  9:07:00 AM
Hi, yes. I 'm still doing comps and I no longer get nervous. I just go out and have a good time. I was dancing standard (Gold level) but I no longer have a competitive partner so I switched to pro-am latin. I haven't done latin for years so I have a steep learning curve. I haven't competed in latin yet. I know I'm not ready. My technique is not where I'd like it to be. There is no rush and since I don't need comp experience, I'll compete when I have a good chance of placing in the top three.

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