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re: Quickstep Tipple Chasse
Posted by ccjjssmith2
11/4/2002  12:55:00 PM
I can do a fair amount of quickstep, and hence
I have some of my favorite amalgamations involving
the Tipple Chasse to the R.

My Favorite Precedes to Tipple Chasse to R

1-3 of Chasse Reverse--Progressive Chasse


1-6 of Natural Spin Turn--Progressive Chasse

Tipple Chasse to the Right
[includes 1-3 of Natural Turn at start and
Lock Step at the end)

My Favorite Follows to Tipple Chasse to R

Fish Tail (SQQQQS)

Or, this one (a little more difficult)

Quick Open Reverse, Back Lock, Running Finish
[The Running Finish can be SQQS or QQSS. Also,
use the last step on Back Lock as step 1 of
Quick Open Reverse.]

Hope this helps.

Charles Smith
Good correction!
Posted by PantherSon
10/26/2002  9:54:00 AM
Thanks SocialDancer for correcting my description of footwork. Yeah, bronze level dancers should keep step 7 high on toe of RF, while continuing the turn to R.

And, if you want the figure to be more exact as in syllabus, it doesn't have 1-3 of Natural Turn (as I put before the step 4 (LF back) to help understanding easily). So, instead of 1-3 Natural Turn, you can dance a Back Lock, SQQS, into Tipple Chasse to R (start with LF back, S).

As dancers advance to higher levels, they should check the turn when step RF side after the chasse. This step is quite difficult as dancers must lower and check the turn, rise at the end of the step to prepare the Forward Lock.

Domino, if you are seeking a routine with Tipple Chasse to R, you can refer to this:
- Natural Turn with Hesitation: start with RF forward facing DW, SQQSSS, end facing DC
- into Progressive Chasse to R: start LF forward facing DC, SQQS, end backing DW
- into Back Lock: start LF back backing DW, SQQS, no turn
- into Tipple Chasse to R (at corner): start LF back backing DW, SQQSQQS, end facing DW of new LOD
- Repeat from beginning, Natural Turn with Hesitaion, start with RF forward OP

Finally, we should firstly practice the Tipple Chasse to R with the footwork exactly as SocialDancer gave

Best regards,
re: Quickstep Tipple Chasse
Posted by PantherSon
10/25/2002  9:12:00 PM
Hey Domino,
The Tiple Chasse in Quickstep contains 10 step, in which:
- 4 steps of Natural Turn
- 3 steps of chasse and side
- 3 steps of Forward Lock

So, you dance:
- 1-4: facing DW, start with RF into 1-4 of Natural Turn, end backing between LOD & DW. Footwork: H-T-T-T. Timing: SQQS.
- 5-6: continue to turn R. Step to side RF (5), close LF to RF (6). End facing center. Footwork: T-T. Timing: QQ.
-7: continue to turn R. Step to side RF. End facing DC (or DW of new LOD). Footwork: TH. Timing: S
- 8-10: followed with 2-4 Forward Lock. Footwork: T-T-TH. Timing: QQS

Hope you can deal with Lady's steps

Best regards,
Tipple footwork
Posted by SocialDancer
10/26/2002  4:07:00 AM
Like many figures, the tipple chasse allows for some variation as dancers progress to higher levels and Pantherson may be using one of these.

His breakdown of the step is fine but for associate level the only choice is to stay UP between the chasse and the lock step. In this case step 7, RF to side (and slightly fwd at a corner) is T not TH. The TH is used in higher levels when checking the turn to take the lock step DC instead of DW (new LOD). You can't use this at associate level because there is no suitable syllabus follow to the lock step taken DC.

A minor correction to the footwork of the natural entry gives:

Great, thanks!
Posted by domino8282
10/26/2002  5:08:00 PM
Thanks for the thorough and informative reply. This routine is being choreographed for a Christmas performance at the studio where I take lessons, but I'm hoping to carry chunks of it on to use in Open Bronze competition.

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