Hi Keith,
It appears that you are a registered user of BallroomDancers.com, but you have a basic membership level, not a Premium membership.
Being a basic member gives you access to more material than not being a member, but it does not give you access to the entire video collection. In a nutshell, non-users can view all written materials, plus videos in the beginning bronze level. Basic members such as yourself get access to the intermediate bronze level videos, and Premium members get access to everything through full gold. To see a more detailed breakdown, please visit the following page:
https://www.ballroomdancers.com/users/premium.aspThe step
https://www.ballroomdancers.com/Dances/syllabus.asp?Dance=CHA is part of the full gold International Cha Cha syllabus, so it requires Premium membership to view the video.
I hope you'll consider upgrading to premium, as the support from our Premium users is what allows us to continue producing and developing our website!
Jonathan Atkinson