Hi Patrick,
If you're a Premium member, make sure that you are currently logged in to your user account at the time you are viewing the videos. Your being currently logged in is the only way the website knows to give you access to premium videos. Also be sure that if you have more than one account, the one you're logged in to is the premium one.
If you're still not able to view a particular video, then it it likely has nothing to do with whether or not you're logged in as a premium member. If the video is brand new, it could be that there's a defect that we haven't caught, in which case we welcome you to let us know so that we can fix it for you. If you're able to view most videos, but just not one particular video, that's a good indication that we need to fix it. If, on the other hand, you can't view any videos on the website, that's a compatibility issue we would need to help you with individually.
Jonathan Atkinson