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Ideal partner height?
Posted by John H.
10/15/2003  4:30:00 AM

What do you think is the ideal difference in height for ballroom (international standard)? Since women wear higher heels, I would have thought that she should be between 5 and 15 cm (2 to 6 inches) shorter. Does that sound about right?
re: Ideal partner height?
Posted by John H.
10/15/2003  6:48:00 PM
Thanks for these replies. What about the minimum height? Is it more to do with the level of hips, i.e. she could be much shorter if her legs are relatively long compared to her back? At least I find that it's hard to dance with someone whose hips are much lower down than mine. Esthetically it might be better if she isn't much shorter, no matter how high the hips are? What do you think?
re: Ideal partner height?
Posted by foreverdancer
10/16/2003  6:45:00 PM
Originally posted by John H.:

What do you think is the ideal difference in height for ballroom (international standard)? Since women wear higher heels, I would have thought that she should be between 5 and 15 cm (2 to 6 inches) shorter. Does that sound about right?
re: Ideal partner height?
Posted by phil.samways
12/1/2003  2:43:00 AM
both of us are very tall, - nearly the same height when my partner is in heels - and our teacher is looking for a 2-4 inch height difference (in dancing rig-out)as this is the 'ideal' difference (if there can be an ideal in such a subjective thing)
I agree with KC on the hip height thing and it's important that partners should feel very comfortable together.
re: Ideal partner height?
Posted by nicole
10/17/2003  10:39:00 AM
Hi everybody~

I am currently looking for a male to dance international with but the problem is finding someone who is tall enought for me. I am 5'10 without heels and with the heels makes me about 6'0. How should I go about finding a partner?

re: Ideal partner height?
Posted by Don
11/30/2003  1:58:00 AM
Just going from memory I believe that on a sight called The London Connection which is no longer on line. I believe the founders joined Burn the Floor. There was a formular which I copied for the height of hips between a male and female partnership. There is a ideal formula.If I find it I will submit it. There are probably other places that this information can be found for those who are in a hurry. It is the height of the hips that is of the most importance. Happy Dancing.
re: Ideal partner height?
Posted by frustrateddancer
11/28/2003  1:19:00 PM
I think partners should be able to look at each other in the eye (although that's not where you look when you dance). I have the opposite problem - I'm 4'9" (with heels about 5')and finding a partner is very difficult. I've danced with men 6' tall and found it a problem. That's one of the reasons I stopped dancing.
re: Ideal partner height?
Posted by ballrmdanceaddict
10/17/2003  1:28:00 PM
I am just curious, but can a really good leader/follower compensate for a height difference? If so, how much?

Also, for Nicole, I have noticed that a lot of people on this site's classified section and www.dancepartner.com do specify height in their personal ads. Failing that, I'm almost 6' so you could always look me up if you are ever in WI or NJ .
re: Ideal partner height?
Posted by John H.
10/17/2003  3:49:00 PM
Well, Nicole, I'm 6'0, and the reason I'm asking all these questions about ideal height is because I'm looking for a dance partner! The only small problem is that I'm in Europe...
re: Ideal partner height?
Posted by Tom Parson
10/15/2003  11:54:00 AM
Even the lady is the same height (w/h.h) as the male partner will be looks OK, if she knews how to bent her self little more.

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