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Re: Need help with practice music selection
Posted by OZ.
4/4/2012  11:41:00 PM
We will never dance like the Demonstrations we see on the Internet or on a bought DVD. Unless we have the correct music it just will not happen
A Rumba for instance is not any 4/4 tune played at 25 bars BPM ( that is bars per minute ). How many times have I seen couples dancing to a bouncy Cha Cha and they themselves bouncing along with the music at abour 36 BPM. instead of 30 BPM It depends on, do we want to dance correctly or not.
Re: Need help with practice music selection
Posted by FrogPrincezz
4/15/2012  8:29:00 AM
Easy by Rascal Flatts /Natasha Bedingfield is a great Viennese Waltz.
Re: Need help with practice music selection
Posted by Rita
6/25/2012  10:54:00 PM
thanks very much. very helpful.
rita malta
Re: Need help with practice music selection
Posted by nloftofan1
6/26/2012  10:49:00 AM
While you may be right in a way (I like my Rumbas and Cha-Chas to be Latin music, not something else with approximately the right rhythm), craiguerabbitry said at the beginning that almost the only available music where he lives is country music. So he would like to be able to answer the question "Can you name a Rumba and I'll play it?" in terms that will be of use to him.

A former instructor in the New Orleans area lived in a small town 40 miles from New Orleans. He used to go out to the local clubs and have fun dancing to what was available there--not the music you hear at Blackpool!
Re: Need help with practice music selection
Posted by Penny
8/24/2012  11:21:00 AM
Neon Moon is classic Cowboy Cha cha

a great country foxtrot...Really good at drinking beer (Billy Currington)
Re: Need help with practice music selection
Posted by billymarsh
10/3/2012  7:18:00 AM
You work for 4 days and then have a day off. Your best friend works for 5 days and then has a day off. How many days after you had a day off together will you have another day off together?"
Can someone please explain how I do this?
Re: Need help with practice music selection
Posted by rgswoohoo
10/19/2012  12:03:00 PM
for when you get to these dances:

Carrie Underwood - Cowboy Cassanova WEST COAST
Confederate Railraod - Trashy Women EAST COAST

Steve Holy - "Come on Rain" is a good Rumba

Re: Need help with practice music selection
Posted by maineb1111
11/20/2012  7:24:00 PM
There are lots of good country waltzes that are very good. My favorite is "Slow Dance" by Michael Peterson. "Sandy's Song" by Dolly Parton is excellent also, but a trifle slow. "I See It Now" by Tracy Lawrence is very good also.

There are also a fair number of good country swings. I recall "Watermelon Crawl" by Tracy Byrd in particular.

Good country numbers for many ballroom dances are hard to come by, partly because country-specific dances like Texas Two Step take up much of the "musical space" that would be Foxtrot, Quickstep, etc. Also, Tango is a country dance, - just the wrong country. Good luck, hope this helps!
Re: Need help with practice music selection
Posted by rgswoohoo
11/20/2012  8:23:00 PM
Faith Hill's "Beautiful" is a good Rumba/Bolero
Re: Need help with practice music selection
Posted by BLong206B
9/12/2013  1:57:00 PM
Waltz - Stars over Texas, Tracy Lawrence

Samba - Just let me be in love, Tracy Byrd

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