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re: Ideal partner height?
Posted by Jim V.
10/15/2003  11:43:00 AM
The ideal hight for international Standard, the lady should be at least 1 inch shorter with the high heels.
re: Ideal partner height?
Posted by KC
11/30/2003  12:25:00 PM
IMHO...the difference is in the hips, not the height. I am 5'7" and have danced with many men about my height and slightly (1-2") taller. I have long legs for my height. It is my experience that even a man who is taller than me will be uncomfortable to dance standard with if his hips are lower than mine (IE, he is long-waisted). I can indeed compensate through the knees (but NOT by "bending" through the back, bad form!) but this is not ideal if I were looking for someone to dance with all the time! Vice versa, it is uncomfortable to dance with too great of a height difference as well. The hips act as a hinge, or a door, or a pin, dbetween partners, depending on who you ask But in all cases, the hips must be in contact to make an effective partnership.

For most body types I would expect that the lady would fall between .5"-4" shorter in heels than her partner. Slot of men dance partners 6" shorter than them, but I've seen a lot of ladies who appear to riding the thighs of their tall partners (not so attractive IMHO)...which makes connection a lot tougher. However, there will always be exceptions! Look for a partner that feels "right"...or at least comfortable from the moment that you line up in dance position.

Good luck, KC
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