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Re: Modern Ballroom Music Source
Posted by O.Z.
11/2/2012  2:08:00 AM
Standard is the name which is only a few years old, It refers to the Waltz Tango Foxtrot Quickstep and V. Waltz. I dont particularly like that name. I prefer to call it the International Style of Ballroom Dancing which it is. Heres the big But.Latin American is also the International Style of Ballroom Dancing. It seems they had to find a way of seperating one from the other. This all came about when Dancesport was founded which is not that long ago. Untill 1964 Latin American was not a part of British Ballroom Dancing. Anyway what was once called the English Style of Ballroom Dancing is now called the Standard Style. Latin American Style kept its original name.
Re: Modern Ballroom Music Source
Posted by Dave
12/31/2012  12:38:00 PM
I went through the first four walls and was really dissapointed, the first two are so fast that you may dance VW if that's what you conceive asVW music.
The first foxtrot by Adele is no way shape or form a foxtrot of any style.
I forgot to mention that What a Wonderfull World has four beats to the bar not three. I don't understand as an international style dancer how you could add these to your list of waltzes and foxtrots. The rumber list does look interesting so I will explore it in the hope that the timing is not all over the place as I expect the Quicksteps and Cha Cha s to be? Yes, a long list of Waltzes and a long list of dissapiontment.
Re: Modern Ballroom Music Source
Posted by Dave
12/31/2012  12:54:00 PM
Well, checked the first four Rumbas, the first is a fast or social foxtrot, the second is something to smooch to , the third I could not find on ITunes, and goodness knows what the fourth is ?
Re: Modern Ballroom Music Source
Posted by rgswoohoo
1/3/2013  6:09:00 PM
it is supposeed to be Anita Baker. It is available on Amazon. and you are right, from the sample to me it is more of a bolero, hard to judge without hearing the whole song.

AWOLNATION (from the sample) sounds like a rumba, again hard to judge without haering the whole song
Re: Modern Ballroom Music Source
Posted by hesitation
6/4/2013  11:43:00 AM
While you're at it, could you also collect or flag the songs with harder-to-identify beats? Often, a beat is a distinct percussion or emphasis. However, some songs seem to have a hidden or implied beat, making them harder to count than usual.

This would be useful for preparing competition when you don't know what songs are going to be played.
Re: Modern Ballroom Music Source
Posted by Jim Sterner
8/14/2013  10:01:00 AM
I have taught dancing for years. So many students just learn to dance a certain dance to a certain song.
Start listening to the beat of the song. The song will always tell you what dance to do to it.
My theory: People hear a song but we don't listen to a song. We are so use to having music all around us that we quit listening to it.
The Look of Love- Rhumba
Dream. Dream, Dream- Rhumba or a Cha Cha

The music will tell you if you listen.
Re: Modern Ballroom Music Source
Posted by quickstep7
8/15/2013  2:09:00 AM
I completely agree. When I teach my students I make a point of saying the music will tell you what to do. I think it is hugely important.
Re: Modern Ballroom Music Source
Posted by rgswoohoo
3/11/2014  5:42:00 PM
FYI - I have trouble getting the site to load using IE9.
Firefox also seems to have some trouble.

Chrome works on it.
Re: Modern Ballroom Music Source
Posted by Star_dancer_poet
5/28/2014  11:13:00 AM
I found another interest site for at least listening to music. It is Bob's Ballroom Broadcast. He introduces the music with what he considers as the music should be. You do search online or if you have the tunein app it is found there.
Re: Modern Ballroom Music Source
Posted by jocelyne
5/16/2016  12:01:00 PM
Thank you for this. I am in the process of trying to match songs with dances.

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